
I sometimes receive too many emails to answer them all so please read these notes before contacting me:

Please carefully read through the relevant pages on this website, including the FAQ.
A significant number of queries are already answered by information on the website, although I realise it can sometimes be difficult to know where to look.

Please confine queries to projects and topics on this website.
My knowledge of electronics is limited and you will be wasting your time asking me about specialist topics such as robotics, audio, radio and high power electronics.

Please don't ask me to design a circuit for you, or to check a complex circuit.
Sorry, I don't have enough time and I rarely have sufficient knowledge to be able to help.

For your own safety I will not answer queries relating to vehicle electrics and high voltage circuits (including mains electricity).
These are specialist areas with very real dangers for the inexperienced.

Consider asking your question on a forum such as All About Circuits.

I receive too many link requests so I'm sorry but no further link requests will be considered.

I am not accepting new advertisers and I am not interested in advertisement management services.
The current advertising covers my costs and that is sufficient. I want visitors to have a good experience without excessive advertising.

Finally, remember to try an internet search:

If you have read the notes above and still wish to contact me please send an email to:

contact @
(remove the spaces beside the @)

Please allow a few days for a reply. If I have not replied within a week then I am sorry but I am unable to help with your query, or not interested in the service you are offering.

John Hewes, (based in the UK)